Written By-
Shubham Gupta
Soft Skills
Confidence is having faith in your abilities to succeed. Confidence never comes easy and nobody is born confident. It takes time to build confidence. One should learn to build up self-confidence because the challenging world can deflate it easily. One should never let challenges dominate them. For this, they need to have strong self-confidence. So, here are some tips which help in building self-confidence-
1. Visualize yourself as you want to be
You always wish to become a become a better version of yourself. Visualization means to form an image of what you want to be in your mind. People suffering from low self-confidence have a poor image of them in their minds. Make your mind believe that you can become what you desire to.
2. Affirm yourself:
If you want to build confidence, then you must affirm yourself with positive and uplifting statements. Try saying these statements to yourself loudly. You should hear yourself saying these statements. Let your mind and heart believe those statements. Never look at the negative side of yourself. Rather always adore your positive side. Let’s suppose for example if you don’t like something about your physical appearance, then always say something appreciative about yourself next time you stand in front of the mirror.
3. Do one thing that scares you every day.
You should know how to face your fear to gain confidence. Therefore, every day do one thing that scares you. These things refrain you from gaining self-confidence. So keep trying to face and overcome these fears. You need to come out of your comfort zone if you want to succeed in your life. When you try to overcome your fear, you learn from every experience. So each experience boosts your self-confidence and you are no longer scared of anything.
4. Compliment yourself.
You spend years criticizing yourself and nothing productive happens. Try complementing yourself and feel the change. Try finding ways to congratulate, compliment and reward yourself even for small success. This will boost your self-confidence and help you achieve higher targets. In case you fail sometimes, don’t feel depressed. Rather you should try to celebrate every day of life. This keeps you motivated. Living in a depressed environment declines your confidence.
5. Take the 100 days of rejection challenge.
When you come across rejections, you tend to lose self-confidence. This is the best thing to desensitize yourself to rejections. Take up this challenge. It may sound crazy but it is the best thing to face rejections. Busting rejection is not an easy thing to do but once you know how to face rejections, nothing can lower your self-confidence ever. Never let anyone make you feel inferior without your consent.
6. Set yourself up to win.
Always perceive yourself as a winner. People are discouraged because they set themselves to targets that are harder for them to achieve. Instead one should start with the easier targets that are easy to win. Once you come across a series of successes then move to harder targets. Never forget to keep a list of small and big achievements to remind yourself daily. Besides focusing on the ‘to-do list’ one should also focus on the ‘did-it’ list. This helps to achieve the ‘to-do list’ effectively.
7. Help someone else.
Helping someone makes you forget about yourself. You feel appreciated and grateful for helping someone. It feels good when you see that your small efforts can make a large difference for someone else. Instead of criticizing yourself and focusing on your weaknesses help some needy like- donate something to childcare homes, teach them some valuable stuff, spend some time with time. It feels good when you are the reason behind someone’s smile. You feel motivated and this ultimately boosts your self-confidence.
8. Care for yourself.
Caring for self never sounds selfish. Your self-confidence depends upon good physical, social and emotional health. Therefore spend some time on self-care. If you have low energy and bad physique, then you can never feel good about yourself. Therefore, start working on your personality. Set some goals and try to achieve them. Exercise daily, eat healthy food and make proper sleeping schedules. This boosts up your energy and eventually, you start to feel good about yourself and this ultimately builds your confidence.
9. Create personal boundaries.
Never let anybody invade your territory. Try to be more assertive and learn to say no. Learn to ask for what you want confidently. The more control you have over your own life, the more confident you become.
10. You deserve everything.
People with low self-confidence tend to see others better than themselves. They see others as more deserving of a given opportunity. Rather you should perceive yourself deserving for every opportunity. You need to make a mental shift to an equality mentality.