Leadership Vs Management
Written By-
Shivani Mehra
Soft Skills
Quack Quack, follow me or lose your job.
Are you thinking that these are the words of a leader? Then you are wrong.
The words of a true leader are, “Show up your leadership skills and be a trend changer.”
In this world of trendsetters, many professionals have a misconception about leadership and management. They took both the things as same but they are wrong, and I am here to drift your thoughts about leadership and management in a different direction.
Young leaders! The most important thing is you don’t desire in the name of ambition, you tweak your competence. If you keep on tweaking your competence, depending upon the time that we live in, hoping that opportunities will come up in front of you naturally, You will fall into the rhythm of what is there!. If you have an enormous competence, the world will try its best to put you down, but you have to rule the room.
A pioneer creates and mentors you, the manager puts a price tag on you as they own you. When the goal is not achieved, as it has been set by the manager, the expected outcome is not favorable. Henceforth, the pot of patience bursts into million pieces and they start criticizing condemn. Ha! The devil then picks the pot of patience and throw it into their faces. The leader corrects your mistakes whereas the manager cuts you off directly. If you want to rule the room, there’s is no margin of error according to the manager. Whereas the leader picks you up from the dust and brush you off, and makes you worthy and self-sufficient. The manager never appreciates you for your work unless success is the real outcome, but a leader gives actionable feedback that improves performance, the values each other’s perspectives, regardless of distinctive nature. Generally, natural intellect is very high, but it is one of the most disorganized intellects, they have intelligence but organizations have not happened, which essentially means lack of leadership. The relationship between the leader and the colleague is fecund and positive. The leader is just one call away to help you, it doesn’t matter if it is off-hour call or office hours call. They put you in the right headspace without questioning your worth.
1: Best work happens when a manager isn’t breathing down your neck. 2: The leader always distributes the credit amongst the team.
3: Guide us, provide us with insulation from the more harsh realities of the organization and the industry.
4: Doesn’t track because it is dehumanizing, it’s degrading.
5: Makes the place stress free.
1: The management makes the workplace stress. 2: Grinds you 9-5 jobs.
3: They are trendsetters, they don’t push their limits. 4: Best work happen when they dance over your head. 5: The manager always steals the credits of the team.
Wanna hear a secret! YOU are the secret
YOU can and YOU cannot it’s all in your head