Written By-
Saloni Kasere
As we all know, the mind is the main part of the body. The meaning of mind strengthening is the “power of our mind”. It plays an important role in achieving the goals of life. The power of mind changes our life, improve our lives, and also helps us to achieve our life goals. Mind helps us to think about something more and more. Different ideas come to mind when we think about something. The decision of every part of life is controlled by the mind. Our habits, our day-to-day goals, etc. are all controlled by our minds. So we can say that the mind is everything in our life. We can imagine through our minds. Imagination is such kind of term that is defined as an image that has been created in the mind that is not see through the senses. This is the ability of the mind to build an object, scene, or events that do not exist. Our mind is full of different thoughts and ideas that come from our senses. The flow of our thoughts also affects our nature and habits. We think about something through the influence of our minds. If we like or dislike something this is all controlled by the mind. The power of the mind is one of the strongest and helpful things. This power decides our success, our failure, our sorrow, our happiness, our loss, and our opportunities. Our facial expression has changed from time to time this is also controlled by the mind. Sometimes we experience “Déjà vu” means the strange feeling that you have experienced what is happening now before. We have to concentrate our minds, mediate our minds so this makes our minds grow. Intuition is another mind experience that means the feeling of understanding that makes you believe or know that something is true without being able to explain it. Our facial moods are also controlled by our minds. When we are in crowded places our mind becomes stressed and we are alone so our mind becomes relax so this is all controlled by our mind. We need to handle our tasks easily don’t make it complicated. Don’t develop any negative pressure in your mind and deal with your problem with your mental capability. We have to prepare our minds for everyday challenges like a social crisis. Focus on your long term outcomes. Failures, damages in our life learn a lesson for us. Don’t lose hope you have to try it again and again until you become successful. Acceptance is another thing that doesn’t complain about things and accept them because we have no control over them. Failure is the best opportunity for success, growth, and improvement. Stay positive and don’t waste time on others who have a big property. Stay away from those people who are full of negative thoughts that destruct our minds. Focus only on your dream, not money because money makes humans greedy. One thing you have to keep in mind is “Never give up”. Stay forward and true. The tough situation makes people emotionally and physically strong. Keep your standard high. Stay away from bad habits, actions, ideas replace them with good habits, ideas, and thoughts. These kinds of positive things are the key to success. Today’s generation has changed. Their hearing power has been destroyed. That’s why they take steps towards suicide. Sharing ideas with your colleagues relax your mind because “Sharing is caring”. Practice and mindfulness make a person mentally strong. In every tough and critical condition, you have to stay your mind positive. Overthinking causes mental illness disease.
Mental illness disease is:
1: Depression.
2: Anxiety.
3: Bipolar disorder.
4: Eating disorder.
Mental illness is treated with Psychiatric counselling.
Exercises for Mind Strengthening are:
1: Create goals.
2: Set yourself for success.
3: Build your emotions strong.
4: Build your mental muscle.
5: Don’t excuse anything, looking for an explanation.
6: Improve your tolerance power.
7: Delete negative thoughts.